Musical Director/Conductor

Application deadline: 
Monday, 30 September 2024
Description of vacancy: 

Harlow Symphony is a local amateur orchestra of about 30 regular players, who rehearse and give three concerts a year at venues in Harlow and Epping.

Rehearsals take place on around nine consecutive Tuesday evenings each term (Spring, Summer and Autumn), followed by a rehearsal and performance on a Sunday.  Our forthcoming Autumn term is due to start on September 10th, with a concert on November 17th.

We are currently looking for somebody to take on a long-term role as Musical Director.

The HSO provides an opportunity for local musicians to come together, rehearse and perform a varied repertoire of classical music.  The orchestra has no ambitions to conquer the musical world; its members welcome the opportunity to play at our weekly rehearsals and  termly concerts, and enjoy the friendly and supportive atmosphere we have built up over the years.  We should like our Musical Director to be a friend and colleague, who can help us achieve our best potential without demanding too much in the way of blood, toil, tears and sweat.

The person most likely to take on this task will not be one who sees it as a short-term stepping stone on the way to ever greater things, but will be the sort of person who enjoys enhancing the musical life of the community in which they live.  Operating on the small scale that we do, we are not able to cover travelling expenses, and offer a modest fee to cover around 30 rehearsals and 3 concerts a year.

If you are already active in the musical life of the area – for example, through schools or local choral societies – this could be an ideal opportunity to explore new musical avenues.  If you relish the idea of helping local musicians fulfil their potential and enhance the musical landscape around them, please get in touch to talk to us.


Contact: Richard Allaway (richard.allaway@yahoo or any member of the orchestra




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