Membership fees update | Making Music

Membership fees update

Making Music membership fees will change in 2024, to reflect inflation rates and rising costs.

From 2024, the Making Music membership fees for both full and associate members will change. We are introducing a new income band to sit between the lowest (£7,200) and the next band (£14,500), and this band will be for those with an income between £7,200 and £10,000. So if your income is between 7,200 and 10,000, your subscription may actually be lower than last year.

We are also applying an increase of £11 to the lowest income band. Each subsequent band will have an additional £4 increase to the band below.

Full details are in the table below.

Income band 2023 fee Increase 2024 fee
up to £7,200 £98 £11 £109
up to £10,000 n/a n/a £132
up to £14,500 £140 £15 £155
up to £21,000 £200 £19 £219
up to £31,000 £275 £23 £298
up to £100,000 £365 £27 £392
above £100,000 £465 £31 £496

Why the change?

Like everyone else, we are operating in an increasingly difficult environment. We try to keep fees low as we can, and we did not increase them last year. However, inflation has led to key costs going up, and we have to meet them. Our staff are the most valuable asset we have; they are passionate and hardworking, but we need to pay them fairly and competitively to ensure we can retain them and that they are able to meet their increased living costs.  

We have other rising running costs, as well as the ambition to better serve you, our members. Our new five-year plan is full of ideas and opportunities that need resources to deliver. The additional income will help us maintain and expand the services we offer to support your group and the leisure-time music sector.  

As we reviewed the fees, we felt the gap between the £7,200 and £14,500 income brackets was too big and the fee difference too high. The new bracket means groups with income just above the £7,200 threshold will be sitting inside a bracket more suited to their size.  We offer excellent value for money and we believe that this new fee structure means everyone will be paying an affordable and fair price for their membership.  

Contact us via email at or by phone on 020 7939 6030 (Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Thurs 10am-2pm)