Take part in Learn to Play Day | Making Music

Take part in Learn to Play Day

Learn to Play Day is back for another year! The annual event, organised by the Music for All charity, is a UK-wide day for lapsed or new musicians to take up playing an instrument and receive a free music lesson.

This year it will take place on 7 and 8 October 2023 at venues and music stores across the UK.

You can get involved in many ways - your music group could host a venue, you can encourage your music group members and your community to participate, or you yourself could learn a new instrument.

It's open to everyone of all ages and backgrounds! You don't need to be a part of a music group to get involved.

Could your music group be a venue host?

Your music group could host a Learn to Play Day venue at your usual rehearsal or performance space, and inspire more people in your community to pick up a new skill or reignite their passion for music. Find out more information about the day and how to get involved through our resource page.

How to become a venue host

To be a venue host you will need teaching resources, instruments and a venue. How many lessons you teach or instruments you offer, and the location of your venue is entirely up to you and what is available to your group. Music for All will provide support and guidance to get your group set up as a venue host.

Register as a venue host


If you want to be on the participant mailing list to receive updates, or have any questions, email Music for All at ltpparticipants@musicforall.org.uk

Find out more about Music for All via their website and follow the charity on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram and Youtube