Music Director | Making Music

Music Director

Application deadline: 
Monday, 5 September 2022
Description of vacancy: 

An exciting opportunity has arisen within the beautiful Minster town of Southwell, Nottinghamshire. Due to the retirement of its present conductor, Nick Thorpe, Southwell Choral Society (SCS) is seeking to appoint an inspiring, enthusiastic and knowledgeable Music Director (MD) from 1st January 2023.

This large (93 current members) choir rehearses in the delightful acoustic of the State Chamber of the Archbishop's Palace at Southwell Minster on Mondays 7:30-9:15pm from the beginning of September to the end of June, with breaks at Christmas and Easter.

Although non-auditioning, the choir strives for excellence and performs to a high standard, large choral works in the stunning venue of Southwell Minster with full orchestra or ensemble accompaniment as required and featuring professional soloists. The MD prepares the choir and conducts the two major concerts a season.

SCS embraces challenging and varied repertoire including a recent performance of Will Todd - Mass in Blue and future performances of Vaughan Williams - Sea Symphony and Verdi - Requiem. Alongside these exciting formal concerts, SCS performs informal engagements within the community. SCS also promotes an Annual Singing Day (Saturday), featuring a high profile guest director, to focus on vocal development and repertoire decided in discussion with the MD. Two further half day singing workshops (Saturday mornings) are available for the MD to use as required each season.

Please explore the SCS website for further information and our varied and exciting future programmes:

The successful applicant will be appointed on a self-employed basis with appropriate remuneration reflecting current market rates.

The selection process will include an interview and rehearsal demonstration during the normal choir sessions on Monday 26th September or Monday 3rd October.

The closing date for applications is September 5th 2022. Please send CV and covering letter outlining skills and experience with details of 2 referees to the Chair of SCS - Eileen Campbell McCosh.

Email address:


Southwell Minster NG25 0HD Southwell
United Kingdom