John Feeney Charitable Trust | Making Music

John Feeney Charitable Trust

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
John Feeney Charitable Trust


The Feeney Trust is a long-established grant making trust which gives priority to applications which are about the arts, heritage and open spaces within or near to the City of Birmingham. The Trust have a special interest in encouraging new work in the arts. Grants of between £500 and £2000 are available to organisations that are based in or have a working presence in the City of Birmingham or make a significant contribution to artistic life in Birmingham. Applications for open space projects must be in or near Birmingham. Trustees are unlikely to be able to consider applications that do not fall into these categories.

Most grants are in the range £500 - £2000.

Larger grants are sometimes given in exceptional circumstances, usually for commissions.

The trustees meet once a year and the closing date for applications is the 31st March each year.