The Cruach Trust | Making Music

The Cruach Trust

Application Deadline: 
12 September 2022
Distributing Body: 
The Cruach Trust
Grant value: 


The Cruach Trust is a small Scottish charity, which likes to make a difference with its donations. Firstly, the trust provides financial support for gardeners, retired gardeners and for preserving gardens throughout the United Kingdom.  Then the trustees also have discretion to make donations to a wide range of organisations in the UK and abroad, with charitable objectives of whatever nature.

Registered or recognised charities, societies, trusts or other bodies. There is a preference for Scottish small and local charities. Please note the Trustees will only award grants up to a maximum of £2000. 


  • Supporting a horticultural apprenticeship, arranged through the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.
  • Grants for organisations working with children, young carers, the elderly, vulnerable and homeless.
  • Grants for gardens, wildlife and the natural environment.
  • Grants for music, the arts and cultural charities.
  • Grants for medical research and support.


Please use the online application form available here.