Family Arts offers promotional opportunities to member groups | Making Music

Family Arts offers promotional opportunities to member groups

Promote your family-friendly events to a wider audience with the help of Family Arts

Funded by Arts Council England and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Family Arts Campaign is helping to engage families as member groups begin returning to in-person rehearsals and performances. Their initiative, Fantastic for Families, lists an array of theatre, dance, music and visual arts events designed to increase family participation in arts and culture across the UK. Music groups who are continuing to hold online events can make use of Fantastic for Families’ online event listings.

Member groups can add arts and cultural events that are suitable for families, such as music performances, to their central database and website, allowing them to be shared with up to 9m families through partner channels.

Here are some of the ways Family Arts can help promote your events:

  • Tag Fantastic for Families in social media announcements (FacebookInstagramTwitter) so they can share events with their network. You can also use the hastag #FantasticForFamilies.
  • Create an Organisation Profile on the Fantastic for Families website to let families know that your group is active. To create a profile, you'll need to first register for Family Arts Standards.
  • Member groups operating remotely can add resources and family recordings to the Fantastic for Families online event listings. Uploading listings will also allow groups to be featured in Fantastic for Families' weekly blog and social media promotion of at-home activities.

Here are some other recommended sources of advice and support:

  • Tour Finder's Children and Families section can be used to list any performances open for booking.
  • EMBED’s post-lockdown reopening guidance for cultural venues considers potential barriers faced by those with a range of access needs, including young and elderly people. It contains useful starting points for those looking to welcome different age groups back to rehearsals and live performances, including recommendations on children’s face coverings, social distancing barriers and signage, and audio guides for vulnerable groups.
  • The Events Industry Forum has published guidance for outdoor performances, covering safety aspects such as location, social distancing and facilities.
  • The WeWillRecover initiative aims to help live entertainment organisations rally against the pandemic by sharing knowledge and sources of inspiration. To join the community and receive the latest updates, visit their website or follow WeWillRecover on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Find out more about the Family Arts Campaign on their website.