Music awards

The leisure-time music sector is dependent on talent that often goes unrecognised, so Making Music's awards aim to change that by celebrating music creators, arrangers and innovative new projects.

Members of Making Music can nominate music creators and arrangers that they have worked with, or submit details of an innovative project which their group has created during the course of 2023. As part of the evidence you provide, we welcome recordings of both in-person and virtual performances.

Prizes include framed award certificates and promotion across Making Music's sector-wide networks.

Submissions that have been created as part of Adopt a Composer/Adopt a Music Creator are not eligible to be nominated. However, if your group took part in Adopt a Composer/Adopt a Music Creator but have worked on a separate commission or project with your adopted composer/music creator, then we would love to hear from you.

Nominations have now closed.

Awards:  Best music creator  |   Best arranger  |   Best project (new music)

Best music creator for leisure-time music group

To nominate a music creator, you need to submit:

  • a recording of a piece of music by the music creator, which your group performed in 2023 (the recording doesn't have to be professional, as long as it's of a good enough quality to hear the piece, and we will accept virtual video or phone recordings)
  • a score of the piece you performed if possible
  • 250 words telling us what was good about this music creator in terms of:
    • the musical excellence of the piece they wrote
    • how appropriate the piece was for your group’s technical ability
    • how effectively the music creator engaged with the group and with the MD, and whether they took feedback and acted on it where necessary.

The prize

For the music creator:
- Framed award
- Inclusion in Making Music's Soundcloud
- Inclusion in Making Music's Recommended Artists guide
- Promotion to members

For the group:
- Promotion to members

Best arranger for leisure-time music group

To nominate an arranger, you need to submit:

  • a recording of an arrangement your group performed in 2023 (the recording doesn't have to be professional, as long as it's good enough quality to hear the piece, and we will accept virtual video or phone recordings)
  • the arrangement score if possible
  • the original piece and score (if possible), and evidence that you had permission (or made your best endeavour to get permission) to have it arranged
  • 250 words telling us what was good about this arranger in terms of:
    • the musical excellence of the arrangement they wrote
    • how appropriate the piece was for your group’s technical ability
    • how effectively the arranger engaged with the group and with the MD, and how well they received your feedback.

The prize:

For the arranger
- Framed award
- Inclusion in Making Music's Soundcloud
- Inclusion in Making Music's Recommended Artists guide

For the group:
- Promotion to members

Best new project

In this category 'new' is defined by a one-off project that is outside of your groups normal activity and that you have not tried before. The project needs to have completed in 2023.  

Examples may include, but are not limited to:

- Holding a composition competition to premiere a new student written work 
- Commissioning multiple living composers as part of a series of focus on contemporary work 
- Running workshops with a local youth ensemble to develop continuation of music participation 
- Community outreach project providing new opportunities for those with no previous experience to participate in musical activity 

You will need to send us: 

  • an outline of the project in 500 words including details of the project; additional testimonials of participants and audiences (if there was a performance online or in person), where appropriate, and any relevant information or materials (e.g. marketing materials, score if there is one, photos of the project, programme if there is one) 
  • any appropriate supplementary materials to evidence your project 

The prize:

For the group:
- Framed award
- Promotion to members

Read more about our previous winners: 2020 awards2021 awards, 2022 awards, 2023 awards.