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Post date: Monday, 10 April 2017 - 12:06pm

At the start of our rehearsal, our adopted composer, Adriano Adewale, pointed out that we were midway through the Adopt a Composer process - between Adriano first meeting the orchestra at the workshop back in December to the premiere scheduled for the first of July.

Post date: Thursday, 6 April 2017 - 6:07pm

With over 50 years of experience creating inspirational tour experiences for youth ensembles, we at Rayburn Tours know how much young musicians stand to gain from going on tour. Alongside the musical and social benefits, touring can have an invaluably positive impact on young people’s self-esteem and personal development.

Post date: Wednesday, 5 April 2017 - 2:33pm

With the premiere of ‘a quiet life’ just a week ago, I’ve nearly come to the end of my journey as an adopted composer, though I have a few blog posts I want to share from my experiences over the last few months collaborating with the Strathendrick Singers in their 40th anniversary year.

Post date: Monday, 3 April 2017 - 5:55pm

For those who were unable to join us at our 'Festival of Making Music' in Perthshire last October, we are delighted to be able to offer Scottish members and guests another opportunity to join award-winning educator Professor Richard Michael BEM for a day of creative music-making in Inverness.

Supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland, the Highlands 'Day of Making Music' will take place on Saturday 13 May 2017.

Post date: Thursday, 30 March 2017 - 6:21pm

On top of four weeks of courses spanning the whole gamut of musical experience, and over 90 events in August, the staff at Dartington International Summer School and Festival of Music are also planning a wedding.

Post date: Friday, 24 March 2017 - 10:19am

Monday 20 March saw 36 delegates representing music education hubs, schools, music services, professional orchestras, and independent youth ensembles come together for a day in Birmingham.

Bear with me if you’re not from a young people’s group because the discussions, I think, were relevant to all Making Music members.

Post date: Wednesday, 22 March 2017 - 2:47pm

This month I joined over 250 arts professionals at the bi-annual Family Arts Conference in Bristol to discuss and learn more about how we can make the arts accessible for families. Although the majority of people in the room represented professional arts organisations who often had their own venue, there were still many inspiring thoughts to take away from the day that could apply to Making Music members.

Post date: Tuesday, 21 March 2017 - 1:01pm

Did you know there are many wonderful music festivals across Europe that your choir could take part in?

From Barcelona and Paris to Luxembourg, and Salzburg, there’s a huge range of countries to choose from and these festivals offer incredible one-off experiences you wouldn’t get on other music tours.

Post date: Monday, 13 March 2017 - 6:16pm

The Choir with No Name work with people who have experienced homelessness, providing welcoming, safe and creative environments for their members to enjoy, and they are asking groups to put on an All Together Now! concert or gig to support their work this Spring.

Post date: Wednesday, 1 March 2017 - 3:03pm

The London Medical Orchestra have had the very great pleasure of working with Martin Humphries under the ‘Adopt a Composer’ project, run by Making Music and supported by the PRS for Music Foundation.

The scheme pairs up a composer with an amateur music group who then work together to produce a new work to be performed by the group.