News | Page 8 | Making Music


Post date: Wednesday, 24 April 2024 - 1:38pm

Making Music has joined with almost 40 major music sector organisations, networks and individuals calling for 'voice' to be added to the eligible instruments, so that choirs can claim Orchestra Tax Relief (OTR). 

Post date: Tuesday, 23 April 2024 - 4:19pm

Finding a space for music-making is getting harder in many communities. And for some groups, their specific needs make finding a space that suits them, that’s accessible and affordable even more of a challenge. We spoke to member group Steel Pan Music CIC about steel bands and why venues that can accommodate steel bands need to be protected for community use.

Post date: Wednesday, 10 April 2024 - 12:29pm

Dr Robin Harrison FRSA, founder of The Maestro Online, talks about the secrets of finding success on your musical path.

Post date: Wednesday, 3 April 2024 - 1:25pm

Margaret Hastings, Treasurer for the Helensburgh Oratorio Choir, tells us how their group organised their Diamond Jubilee concert.

Post date: Thursday, 28 March 2024 - 1:01pm

Barbara Eifler explores how the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment’s unique approach to live events in non-traditional venues could inspire Making Music members to attract more and newer audiences to their concerts. 

Post date: Thursday, 28 March 2024 - 12:35pm

Making Music reports on increased rates for Creative Tax Reliefs announced in the Spring Budget. We also discuss the outcome of the charity banking survey and the latest on Gift Aid.

Post date: Wednesday, 27 March 2024 - 3:07pm

Jon Jayes, Secretary of the Belvoir Big Band, writes about his band’s passion for performing and supporting charities.

I would like to introduce our group, the Belvoir Big Band, based in Harby in Leicestershire. Nine years ago in 2015, I and another guitarist met with a view to playing either together or with other musicians for pleasure. 

But the idea, and the band, grew. 

Post date: Monday, 11 March 2024 - 3:25pm

Marian Pearson, Chair of Scunthorpe and North Lincolnshire Concert Society (SNLCS), tells us how they’re revitalising classical music in their community through building a diverse membership.

SNLCS was formed in 1949 and organises seven concerts each season, engaging a wide variety of internationally recognised artists. Today our membership is made up almost exclusively of white middle-class members over the age of 60. Twenty years ago, our membership was more diverse, but venue changes and societal shifts halved it to around 110 pre-COVID. 

Post date: Monday, 4 March 2024 - 10:00am

Mike Cocke, Secretary of the Luton Choral Society writes about how they are embracing diversity to grow their membership.

Luton Choral Society has a unique history. We were founded in 1866 and apart from a few years during the First World War and the recent COVID pandemic, we have performed several events every year since our founding and are now in our 152 season. 

Our archive includes a programme from 1879 and photos of choral performances conducted by Sir Adrian Boult amongst many other items.

Post date: Monday, 26 February 2024 - 3:43pm

Sue Benson, Managing Trustee of the Great Bowden Recital Trust, tells us about their participation in our INCLUDE programme and their plans to make their groups more accessible and representative of their local community.