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Post date: Wednesday, 4 July 2018 - 10:27am

There are two orchestras associated with Stoneleigh Youth Orchestra, the Main Orchestra and the Training Orchestra (TO); both of whom are working alongside composer Ben See on the Adopt a Composer scheme. We caught up with double bass player, James of the TO, to hear how the piece is being put together. 

Post date: Wednesday, 4 July 2018 - 9:43am

After a year on the Adopt a Composer scheme alongside the composer Gaynor Barradell, Sarah Freshwater - trombone player for the Edinburgh Concert Band - talks rhythm tricks and recording for BBC. Followed by a last word from MD, Sarah Cunningham.  

Fish and chips, fish and chips and some lemonade, we’ll have some mushy peas now…

Post date: Tuesday, 3 July 2018 - 1:22pm

Having been paired with Ben See on the Adopt a Composer scheme, we caught up with a couple of players from the Main Stoneleigh Youth Orchestra to find out what they've been up to. 

Cellist, Toby:

As part of the Adopt a Composer scheme, Ben See firstly sent out a questionnaire to each orchestral section asking about what kind of music we enjoy playing the most as well as what we thought Stoneleigh's strengths were.

Post date: Tuesday, 3 July 2018 - 10:32am

I have just completed the Certificate: The Practice of Music Making, a one-year programme developed by Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance (Making Music Corporate Member), in partnership with the Open University.  

Post date: Monday, 2 July 2018 - 3:40pm

Many Making Music member groups are currently exempt by law from paying a data protection fee as they process personal data for not-for-profit purposes.

However, the government has launched a consultation on exemptions from these data protection fees. The Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) is handling the consultation and has invited respondents to tell them which exemptions they consider are still appropriate and should be kept, and which exemptions are no longer appropriate and should either be changed or removed - and the reasons why.

Post date: Monday, 2 July 2018 - 2:45pm

In part II of Ben See's blog he gives us an insight into the thoughts and processes of composing for the main orchestra (MO) of Stoneleigh Youth Orchestras (SYO).

Post date: Monday, 2 July 2018 - 11:28am

Ben See gives us an insight into the thoughts and processes of composing for two Stoneleigh Youth Orchestras (SYO). In the first of a two-part blog, he sets out to find the words for one of the compositions and discovers a shared love of biscuits and desire to be heard. 

Post date: Thursday, 28 June 2018 - 11:07am

It’s estimated that the number of choirs in the UK alone has risen to over 40,000 in recent years. A large proportion of those have been formed purely to share the enjoyment of singing – and perhaps performing – music within a local community, workplace or other environment.

One of the challenges faced by the growing number of choirs is finding a good source of quality music to work with which is both accessible and enjoyable for everyone to sing.

Post date: Wednesday, 27 June 2018 - 4:19pm

The Stoneleigh Youth Orchestra are working alongside conductor Ben See as part of Adopt a Composer. In this blog one of the orchestra's conductors, Dan Shilladay, tries in vain to find out how the piece is coming along, but the composer keeps up a vanishing act.

I’m the conductor of Stoneleigh Youth Training Orchestra, but as most of our composer’s visits have been to sectional rehearsals, I’ve not yet seen or heard much of Ben’s new piece, or the sessions that have been its crucible.