Guest blog: 'Budget should never be a barrier' with new instrument rent to buy scheme | Making Music

Guest blog: 'Budget should never be a barrier' with new instrument rent to buy scheme

A new partnership for our Corporate Member Your Space Music Lessons aims to bring music to more people

Online music school, Your Space Music Lessons has launched a new drive to make music tuition easier for families to access. In a new partnership with ‘rent to buy’ instrument service Duet Shop, new orchestral instruments can be obtained from just £7.50 per month.

For families who find it hard to budget for instruments and have little time to access quality tuition, the hope is that this partnership will enable more children and adults to learn from a broad range of orchestral instruments in their own home.

Your Space Music Lessons, launched in 2013, is one of the leading online music schools in Europe delivering personal tuition with ‘conservatoire’ level tutors, in a model that reflects the need for a ‘face to face’ learning experience in a digital age.  

Your Space Music Lessons has helped many people, including Haseeb (above) access tuition wherever they may be located. "This was the best solution for us based in London - where we didn’t need to travel yet we get a professional music teacher during the daytime," says Haseeb’s mum, Nazia.

With Duet Shop, it is possible to return the instrument after three months or upsize along the way, removing the financial risk involved in buying an instrument and allows music potential to be explored, explains Your Space Teaching Director Olwen Macleod.

"The cost of an instrument can be one major reason why music lessons don’t even begin, so Duet Shop will help us reach more sectors of society including busy families and fringe groups, such as disabled or housebound people, to access music."

The partnership will also tackle the rising problem of endangered orchestral sections, as Duet Shop instruments are delivered to homes and Your Space Music Lessons operate entirely online, so that it is easy to access and learn endangered instruments such as the viola, oboe and cello.

Duet Group Operations Director, Karl Stevenson, welcomes the collaboration:

“We are delighted to have the opportunity to work alongside Your Space Music Lessons in support of their excellent Online Tuition Service. Our shared core vision is that everyone should have access to a new, quality musical instrument which in turn would enhance their engagement with musical education and tuition. Budget should never be a barrier to aspiring musicians, access to a new instrument is available from as little as £7.50 allowing Your Space Music students to concentrate on making music without worrying about the cost”.

Free taster music lessons are available from where information about the rent to buy instrument schemes is also available.