News | Page 19 | Making Music


Post date: Wednesday, 12 October 2022 - 10:25am

New corporate member Naxos Music talks about their online streaming and programming resources.

Post date: Monday, 10 October 2022 - 4:49pm

The latest research by Donne, Women in Music shows the disparity between male and female composers and global majority composers within the global concert repertoire. It calls attention to the need for diversity across classical music.

Post date: Tuesday, 4 October 2022 - 11:49am

Melanie Le Breuilly, the Music Director of Reading Youth Orchestra (RYO), tells us about the start of her group's work with Caitlin Harrison as part of their Adopt a Music Creator 2022 collaboration

It’s the start of the new term and I’m busy preparing for our first rehearsal back after the summer. In particular, I’m delighted to be learning the score for our Adopt a Music Creator composition written by the lovely Caitlin Harrison.

Post date: Thursday, 29 September 2022 - 2:43pm

NewSPAL, the charity taking on Surrey County Council’s performing arts collection, is now open for business. With the support of its community and patrons, it has established a more sustainable future for the SPAL collection.

Post date: Thursday, 22 September 2022 - 3:59pm

Annual celebration recognises music creators and arrangers, projects, music directors and group heroes.

The winners of the 2022 Making Music Awards were announced by Debbie Wiseman OBE, Making Music President, at an online awards ceremony on Thursday 22 September.

Post date: Wednesday, 21 September 2022 - 5:13pm

Paul Whittaker OBE discusses the value of having sign language interpreters at performance venues, how music can be seen as well as heard, and ways music groups can create an inclusive environment for Deaf people.

No doubt many of you have seen sign language interpreters in action at meetings, conferences and on TV. Perhaps you’ve also seen them in a theatre. But how often have you come across them in a concert hall?

Post date: Wednesday, 21 September 2022 - 2:16pm

Carmel Smickersgill describes preparing for the premiere with the Junior Leeds Conservatoire Ensemble Creative as part of their Adopt a Composer 2019/20 collaboration.

Post date: Wednesday, 14 September 2022 - 4:50pm

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and thank her for her service and dedication.

As a mark of respect, we will be closing our offices on the day of her funeral, Monday 19 September, and will reopen on Tuesday 20 September.
Each member group will need to decide on their own plans for the the mourning period and the funeral day itself. However, you can also consult the Government’s National Mourning Guidance for more information.

Post date: Tuesday, 13 September 2022 - 11:09am

New corporate member Laurie Denman introduces his range of music services to help you raise your voices and musicians to the next level.

Post date: Monday, 12 September 2022 - 3:01pm

We are thrilled to announce the shortlisted nominees for the 2022 Making Music Awards, followed by a celebratory evening on 22 September where we announce the winners and honour the creativity and efforts of the leisure-time music community.

The awards celebrate Making Music's 3,900 member groups and their activity, and the often unrecognised talent which helps the sector to flourish across the UK. Prizes range from promotion across Making Music’s networks to financial support towards commissions and other musical projects