An update on the Voices Now survey into choirs | Making Music

An update on the Voices Now survey into choirs

Elise Boileau, Choral Researcher at Voices Now, invites all Making Music members to help spread the word

Voices Now’s survey of singing groups in the UK is well under way and has gained a lot of traction, from choir organisations to academic researchers. Over 2,500 choirs have answered the survey so far, but we know we are only scratching the surface!

The more groups participate in the survey, the more support singing could receive in future. Knowing the number of choirs would help all of us organisations representing singing to better lobby government, funding bodies, and anyone who can help to make singing more accessible across the country, as well as getting more people joining choirs on a regular basis.

Members of Making Music have been very responsive and helpful so far. You can help even further by completing the survey at if you haven’t yet done so and by sharing the link with other choirs in your network. Duplicate entries will be monitored so don't worry about that. 

We are especially interested in responses from Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the North of England. It is not specific to any type of group – we want to capture anyone who sings together in a group, professional or amateur, classical or pop, auditioned or community, sacred or secular.

Additionally, we are looking for volunteer Choral Investigators who would be able to commit a few hours a week helping to spread the word about the survey. If you are passionate about singing and knowledgeable about your local area, please get in touch! Details on how to get involved are at