Making Music Photography Competition | Making Music

Making Music Photography Competition

Thank you to everyone who submitted entries, which are now available to view in our Facebook gallery. There's no need to stop taking pictures though - posting behind the scenes and concert photos on your social media are a great way of documenting your music group and showing off how much fun you have to potential new members and audiences. Find out more about managing your social media and building an online engagement here.


Keep your eyes peeled for future competitions by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Enter our photography competition for the chance to be in the next edition of iNotes.

Calling all amateur photographers and music enthusiasts – Making Music is launching a photography competition to help raise your profile.

There are countless photographic opportunities when music groups meet and this competition celebrates the fun social and behind the scenes side of performing. 

The category for our inaugural competition is ‘rehearsal’ and the winning image will appear in the next edition of iNotes alongside a profile of your music group. In addition your photos will be broadcast across our social media channels. Runners up will also appear in a new gallery on Facebook. Photographers can submit any number of photos including group shots, practicing individuals, instrument close-ups, tea breaks etc - take a look at our example images for ideas below! 

We’re not looking for professional or formal photos – the more fun you have, the better! The objective is to capture the character of your group.

All you have to do is post your photo entries on Twitter (@MakingMusic_UK) or Facebook (@MakingMusicUK) using the hashtag #RehearsalRevelry. Don't forget to tag us! 

Applications are now closed. 

Peckham Rye Sings and Sing Out Steatham - picnic

Credit: Dan Gold - accordion player and trumpetist 

Credit: Xenia - singing residential 

Cambridge Chord Company - biscuits

National Youth Choir of Great Britain - fellows

Peckham Rye Sings - Christmas party

Credit: Xenia - singing residential 

Peckham Rye Sings - birthday cake

Sing Out Streatham - post rehearsal drinks

National Youth Choir of Great Britain - rehearsal


Terms and conditions

By submitting photographs for the #MMrehearsal competition you agree to allow Making Music to use your photos in promotional material in print and online.