Make Music Day is going digital | Making Music

Make Music Day is going digital

The international celebration of music, Make Music Day, has set up a number of online initiatives to connect everyone through music on 21 June.

Unlike traditional music festivals, Make Music Day is an open invitation for everyone to make music anywhere and everywhere. While it's hoped that it will be possible to take over the streets with music on 21 June, if it's not, you can join one of the online Make Music Day initiatives that will take place no matter what.

  • Live From Home challenge: Record a musical performance at home on 21 June, and tag three friends to challenge them to respond with their own performances. 
  • Online music lessons: Teachers around the world will be offering free, online lessons for a variety of instruments on 21 June.
  • Street Studios: Be part of a completely improvised music creation session! Record any sound or musical material on 21 June and upload it to one of the 'Street Studio' producers, then watch the producer’s livestream as they incorporate it into a musical track created on the spot, using only the submitted materials.
  • Global livestream: a day-long video stream on 21 June will show the rich diversity of live Make Music Day performances around the world.
  • Bring Me Sunshine: download one of the many free arrangements of the Make Music Day anthem Bring Me Sunshine and live stream your performance from wherever you are.

As with the physical events, what groups or individuals organise is entirely up to them, but the Make Music Day UK website is now keeping a growing list of ideas, and also has a live-streaming toolkit.

Find out more about getting involved on the Make Music Day website, or sign up to their mailing list for updates.