Bell ringers, pipers and buglers/trumpeters are invited to join A Nation's Tribute on 11 November 1918 to mark the 100th anniversary of the ending of the First World War, along with paying tribute to the millions that lost their lives.
Three months into composer Edmund Hunt's Adopt a Composer collaboration with The Singers, he finds inspiration for the composition's text from a famous local figure.
Last rehearsal we were finally given the chance to see an early draft of the exciting, original composition Gaynor Barradell has been working on especially for teh Edinburgh Concert Band (ECB). The band seemed to be holding its breath as the music was handed out. I wasn't able to make it to the workshop in November and so I had no idea what to expect.
BBC Radio 3 and Sage Gateshead are inviting local singers and choirs to sing live on BBC Radio 3’s In Tune to mark an important anniversary for women’s suffrage. Radio 3's inspiring new commission, The Pankhurst Anthem, offers an opportunity for everyone to take part – so come along and join in!
On Friday 9 March 2018, Voices of Hope will perform The Pankhurst Anthem on Radio 3, live from Sage Gateshead. BBC Radio 3 are inviting singers from local choirs to come along and join in with the second section, Anthem.
The 8 February Surrey County Council (SCC) Communities Select Committee adopted some recommendations for the future of SPAL which will now be put – alongside recommendations from the council officers – to the full SCC Cabinet on 27 March.
Since the last meeting in November, four users and representatives of Making Music, FOSPAL (Friends of SPAL) and IAML (International Association of Music Librarians) have formed a new charity (NewSPAL) in a bid to take over the running of this music library.
Travelbound arranges music and performance tours to Europe and beyond. All our tours are tailor-made and offer each performer the opportunity to shine on an international stage, discover a new culture and develop as a performer and as an individual.
We cater for all types of music ensembles and have a wide range of performance venues to suit different standards and different types of repertoire. All performances are fully advertised to ensure the best possible audience numbers.
Evidence of this impact is extremely useful when we are making the case for leisure-time musical activity, but we realised there was no research from the UK which examined the impacts of the groups’ existence on their local community, and how significant they may be.
That's why, in 2016, we approached Professor Stephanie Pitts and the Sheffield Performer and Audience Research Centre (SPARC) of the University of Sheffield, and began a joint investigation.
Today is the 100th anniversary of the Representation of the People Act 1918, a piece of legislation that enabled all men and some women over the age of 30 to vote for the first time.
It would be another 10 years before UK women won the right to vote on the same terms as men. Still, 1918 was a seismic moment for the Women's Suffrage movement, which was led by tireless campaigners like Emmeline Pankhurst.
In a new inquiry the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee is to investigate ways in which taking part in the arts, cultural activities and sport can have a positive impact on health, community and education.
Would you like to join a choir of 400 singers in a three-minute mass choral performance at the newly renovated London Bridge Station? Choirs and individual singers are invited to take part to mark the announcement of a new cultural strategy for the London Bridge area, and celebrate cultural collaboration between arts groups and local businesses and places.