Four new Board members | Making Music

Four new Board members

Three vacancies to the Making Music Board were this year contested by nine nominees. The successful candidates – voted for by Making Music members – were announced at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 26 June. In addition, the Board used its powers to co-opt a member from Northern Ireland to the Board.

Margaret Harrison is the Chair of the Neston Singers, a community choir in Cheshire. Her day job is with the Association of Independent Museums, a charity and membership organisation whose members are mostly small and volunteer-run, like many Making Music members.

Jayne Barr sings with Hampstead Chamber Choir in London and also plays alto sax and flute in a rock'n'roll covers band. Professionally, she works in marketing and advertising, and we look forward to harnessing that expertise in her Board role at Making Music.

Philip O'Rawe is the Treasurer and Events Manager of Cappella Caeciliana, a chamber choir based in Belfast, of which he has been a member for over 20 years. He has worked for many years as an IT manager/professional in the telecommunications industry, and has extensive experience as a representative in the Prospect trade union.

Will Prideaux leads charity Peterborough Sings and its three community choirs. He specialises in the equal voices genre, presenting research on this at the 2023 Male Voice Choir conference, and has just concluded a funded project supporting four male voice choirs to grow through Project Based Recruitment.

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