Consultation on Terrorism Act open until 23 June | Making Music

Consultation on Terrorism Act open until 23 June

Last year, the government consulted on what it was then referring to as Protect Duty, which has resulted in a draft bill – the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Act 2023. 

While this mainly concerns premises, we believe the bill could have some unintended negative consequences for members.

By placing a greater burden of responsibility and cost on the types of premises many Making Music members use, this may lead to more of those premises, especially volunteer-run ones, to close down or not open for public access; as well as further increasing the costs members would have to pay for hire of spaces.

In addition, members could be directly impacted if premises involve them in the duties required under the bill via a cooperation notice. Also, ticketed events not taking place in premises will have to comply with the bill (e.g. festivals of 800+ capacity on open land).

The Security Minister has now asked the Home Affairs Committee to consult on this proposed legislation. So you may wish to respond to this consultation or send us your thoughts for us to include with Making Music’s submission. If you respond to the consultation yourself, please send us a copy of your submission for information.

Key documents

Submit evidence on the UK Parliament website by 23 June