
Post date: Friday, 2 April 2021 - 9:00am

Making Music is delighted to announce it has been awarded a grant of £44,000 from the second round of the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund.

After a year of unprecedented disruption to leisure-time music, this grant will be timely in enabling Making Music, as its sector organisation, to continue its work supporting 3,500 member music groups across the UK, as well as advocating on behalf of the wider sector to help it pull through the pandemic and thrive.

Barbara Eifler, Making Music Chief Executive, said:

Post date: Thursday, 25 March 2021 - 12:42pm

Closing on 29 March, the UK government is calling for evidence on whether to introduce Covid-status certification, commonly referred to as the ‘vaccine passport’.

The proposed certification would show, probably electronically, if someone was vaccinated or had been tested, and could be voluntary or mandatory in different settings to allow people access – from pubs to concert halls. 

Post date: Thursday, 11 March 2021 - 2:00pm

Music creator Litha Efthymiou shares her thoughts on her promising partnership with Bury St Edmunds Concert Band, and the influential Christian Brewer's recent passing.

Post date: Thursday, 11 March 2021 - 11:57am

Ugie Voices member Sheila Biegala updates us on her group's music making with Ben Lunn, who has recently dovetailed Venezuelan poetry with the National Bard.

We are well into the new year now and can see light at the end of the tunnel as far as lockdown is concerned.

With regard to our ongoing project with Ben Lunn and Aberdeenshire Saxophone Orchestra, Ben has sent us a first draft of his compositions!

Post date: Tuesday, 9 March 2021 - 12:54pm

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on 22 February and subsequent announcements in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, Making Music has updated its coronavirus guidance tool to reflect what the roadmaps to reopening mean for leisure-time music groups in the four nations of the UK.


29 March – 6 people can meet outdoors, including backgardens, meaning informal small rehearsals in an open space can resume.

Post date: Tuesday, 2 March 2021 - 11:22am

Bury St Edmunds Concert Band’s Gary Hawkes pens his thoughts on the group’s fledgling collaboration with Litha Efthymiou for Adopt a Music Creator 2020/21.

Post date: Monday, 1 March 2021 - 11:29am

Chair Foss Foster pens another diary entry on Aberdeenshire Saxophone Orchestra’s Adopt a Music Creator journey, with a special look at the wonder that is harmonic minor mode five.

We recently enjoyed our first rehearsal of 2021, and as we’re still in lockdown we Zoomed in in what has now become the usual way.

Post date: Wednesday, 24 February 2021 - 12:31pm

PRS is currently calling for views on how paid-for online live concerts should be licensed. This consultation will be of interest to those who have done or are considering doing such concerts.

Post date: Tuesday, 23 February 2021 - 1:58pm

A round-up of the changes you might need to make if your group is a charity that meets online, and Gift Aid rules around non-refunded cancelled ticket fees.

Updating governing documents to cover online meetings 

There can scarcely be a charity that hasn't had an online trustee or general meeting in the last year. While online rehearsals will fade away once they are no longer needed, online meetings look here to stay. 

Post date: Tuesday, 23 February 2021 - 1:16pm

2022 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Ralph Vaughan Williams, one of Britain’s most important composers and one of the great symphonists of the 20th century. The Ralph Vaughan Williams Charitable Trust tell us how leisure-time music groups can be part of the celebrations.

Composer of such popular favourites as The Lark Ascending and Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis, which define an unmistakably British sound, Vaughan Williams’ extraordinary impact on British music cannot be underestimated.