
Post date: Monday, 19 December 2022 - 12:11pm

Royal Philharmonic Society invites the public to vote for a winner of its 2023 Inspiration Award from a shortlist that includes Making Music members. 

The annual Royal Philharmonic Society (RPS) Awards ‘celebrate the treasured role that classical music plays in our lives’ and recognises the finest musicians and creatives of our time.  

Post date: Monday, 12 December 2022 - 11:35am

Emily Peasgood reflects on her journey collaborating with the Oxted Band for their Adopt a Music Creator 2022 project.

Post date: Monday, 5 December 2022 - 4:35pm

Funding will enable thousands of UK lesiure-time music groups to benefit from increased support and advocacy.

Making Music is thrilled to have been awarded a grant from Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. The award of £199,980 over three years will enable Making Music to offer even more services to its 4,000 member groups and empower them to advocate for their activity and the benefits of music making.

Post date: Thursday, 1 December 2022 - 10:54am

Making Music is delighted to announce that it now represents 4,000 members, an all-time high.

Despite unprecedented disruption in recent years, leisure-time music performing and promoter groups continue to thrive in communities across the UK, and they come to Making Music for the support and guidance they need to run their activity. More members also mean Making Music has a strong collective voice for advocating on key issues that affect the leisure-time community.

Post date: Wednesday, 30 November 2022 - 9:35am

Hayley Hodges, member of Voices of Exmoor, talks about her group's premiere night as the finale of their collaboration with music creator Hannah Fredsgaard-Jones.

The big day had finally arrived! Not just our first concert in two and a half years, but the world premiere of our original song written as part of Making Music’s Adopt A Music Creator 2022.

Post date: Friday, 25 November 2022 - 9:30am

We are delighted to be receiving ACE funding from 2023, which will enable us to step up the work we do on behalf of our members.

ACE stands for Arts Council England, and after many years of not being regularly funded by ACE, Making Music decided this year to apply for three-year funding as an Investment Principles Support Organisation (IPSO). Bear with me, the rest of the words in this blog are not all abbreviations, promise! 

Post date: Tuesday, 22 November 2022 - 4:26pm

Dan Goren, founding director of Composers Edition, on how to overcome the barriers to programming contemporary music.

Who’s afraid of contemporary music? 

There is a common refrain to be heard about contemporary music - it is difficult to learn and to understand. But let us unpack this. 

Post date: Tuesday, 22 November 2022 - 12:52pm

The Charity Commission for England and Wales are making some changes to the online account charity trustees use to access services. They are launching a new system called My Charity Commission Account.

How does the new system work?

Currently, each charity has an online account with one main contact and one password only. This means either only one trustee is able to login – or that the login is shared by multiple people – neither of which is ideal.

Post date: Monday, 14 November 2022 - 5:03pm

Making Music member group, The Royal Choral Society, is celebrating its 150th anniversary with a concert on Sunday 7 May 2023, and a sing-along with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in a mass celebration of choral music.

Post date: Monday, 14 November 2022 - 11:05am

Tell us about your experiences with social prescribing in a leisure-time music group setting by 5 December

There are social prescribing models now in place around the UK, intended to connect people in need with activities that will support their health and wellbeing.