Apply for £100 to put on an event for Voluntary Arts Week | Making Music

Apply for £100 to put on an event for Voluntary Arts Week

The Voluntary Arts Week Microfund invites self-led cultural groups and projects to apply for £100 to put on an event during Voluntary Arts Week.

The aim of this microfund is to enable cultural groups to reach out to new participants and volunteers, helping them to grow and be more sustainable in the long-term.

In 2015 a range of groups, including crafts clubs, choirs, music groups and amateur dramatic societies, used this funding to cover venue hire, materials, publicity and other costs associated with putting on an open and accessible ‘come and try’ event.  Some groups were well established and looking to expand, whilst others were just starting out.

The Microfund application process is straightforward and shouldn’t take long to complete – please read the relevant guidelines before filling in the form and take note of the various deadlines.

The Voluntary Arts Week Microfund has been made possible with the support of Spirit of 2012 – ‘investing in happiness’ – and is available in the following areas:


Deadline: 22 February 2016

There are 40 awards of £100 available in Scotland
Voluntary Arts Week Microfund – Scotland Guidelines
Voluntary Arts Week Microfund – Scotland Application Form

If you have any questions about making an application please contact Cassandra Barron on 0131 561 7333 or email

South East England

Deadline: 7 March 2016

There are 10 awards of £100 available in South East England
Voluntary Arts Week Microfund – South East Guidelines
Voluntary Arts Week Microfund – South East Application Form

If you have any questions about making an application please contact Katie Rees on 07818 031 012 or email

Northern Ireland & Republic of Ireland

Deadline:  7 March 2016

There are 20 awards of £100 available to applicants across the island of Ireland
Voluntary Arts Week Microfund – Ireland Guidelines
Voluntary Arts Week Microfund – Ireland Application Form

If you have any questions about making an application please contact Emma Whitehead on

Midlands England

Deadline: 9am, 29 February 2016

There are 30 awards of £100 available to applicants in the Midlands of England.
First Art (N Notts & NE Derbyshire), Transported (Boston & S Holland, Lincs) and ArtsNK (North Kesteven, Lincs) are also match-funding for successful applicants in their areas.
Voluntary Arts Week Microfund – Midlands Guidelines
Voluntary Arts Week Microfund – Midlands Application Form

If you have any questions about making an application for the Midlands microfund, please contact Sarah Breen on


Details coming soon, please check back on the Voluntary Arts website

If the Voluntary Arts Week Microfund isn’t available in your area and you are looking for some funding to support your event, please visit our funding finder or the ‘funding’ section of the Voluntary Arts Week website for some guidance on other sources of funding and money saving ideas.