
Post date: Tuesday, 6 August 2019 - 10:44am

New premium corperate members Benslow Music introduce their short residential and day courses for musicians. 

We love it when people find motivation through our courses and discover or rediscover their love of music. This is why we are here.

Post date: Tuesday, 30 July 2019 - 10:00am

Les Goldman, Chair of the Two Rivers Concert Band shares his insight into their collaboration with composer James Banner.

On 29 June I attended my first rehearsal of our Adopt a Composer piece, 'Concertino for Concert Band' by James Banner. It prompted thoughts about some of the roles our band has played in the genesis of the piece and the roles we still have to play in the run up to our first performance planned for 6 October.

Post date: Thursday, 25 July 2019 - 8:00pm

Join a global concert for cooperation on 10 November 2019

How quickly and successfully can you bring people together in harmony through music, communication and cooperation? It's a great challenge and #iPlay4Peace is looking for your support and participation.

Last year, musicians in 45 locations across the world came together to play a single piece of music to serve as a symbolic gesture of cooperation, peace and reconciliation 100 years after First World War came to an end. 

Post date: Thursday, 18 July 2019 - 2:24pm

Fun Palaces supports communities across the UK to co-create local cultural events, and your gorup can take part. Stella Duffy, Fun Palaces Co-Director, explains.

Post date: Tuesday, 16 July 2019 - 9:00am

The summer solstice, 21 June, saw another hugely successful Make Music Day across the UK.

Post date: Friday, 12 July 2019 - 10:00am

Corporate member, Club Europe Music Tours invite you to join in on a trip to Hungary.

Post date: Thursday, 4 July 2019 - 5:07pm

Composer Laura Snowden has some final thoughts before the premiere of her Adopt a Composer collaboration with the Chandos Chamber Choir 

Post date: Thursday, 4 July 2019 - 1:28pm

Making Music is delighted to announce that volunteer Holly McEleny has been awarded the 2018 President’s Award for her exceptional service to the organisation.

Post date: Monday, 1 July 2019 - 12:12pm

Making Music member group the Irish Video Game Orchestra (IVGO) is being recognised for its innovative work in the community

Post date: Monday, 1 July 2019 - 10:00am

Composer James Banner details the ins and outs of collaborative process as part of the Adopt a Composer project with the Two Rivers Concert Band.