Digested news with all you need to know about what’s going on in areas affecting amateur music including forthcoming opportunities, campaigns and advocacy, resources, regulatory changes, events and feature stories.

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Displaying 373 - 384 of 842 results
Posted on 5 February 2020
Club Europe introduce a new easy-to-reach French destination for your next choir tour. L'Aisne in North East France is a little-known gem in...
Posted on 30 January 2020
Arts Council England has just published its new 10-year vision. So why is that relevant to you if you don’t get funding, or if you’re in...
Posted on 27 January 2020
It’s not as glamorous as it sounds, and often involves investing a lot of time before results become tangible… so what does it look like...
Posted on 22 January 2020
Learn To Play Day, organised by the charity Music for All, is a free, nationwide initiative to get people of all ages and abilities playing a...
Posted on 15 January 2020
Singers in community choirs across the country can testify to the feel-good nature of raising their voices together. One of these is the Big Noise...
Posted on 3 January 2020
For the first time, government proposals to overhaul business rates will include rates for grassroots music venues.Among a raft ...
Posted on 19 December 2019
I can get very miserable, especially when it’s dark in the morning, dark in the afternoon, and grey and rainy in between. The house is a mess,...
Posted on 17 December 2019
First opened on 1 August, the consultation has now been extended twice and will finally close on 31 December – so there’s still time if...
Posted on 16 December 2019
Dr Daisy Fancourt introduces the first World Health Organisation report on the evidence base for arts and health interventions.For the last 18...
Posted on 10 December 2019
Making Music is delighted to announce the appointment of Stephen McNally as its first Northern Ireland Manager.Based in Mid Ulster, McNally will...
Posted on 29 November 2019
In February 2019, Surrey County Council Cabinet finally agreed that the charity, NewSPAL (New Surrey Performing Arts Library), would be allowed to...
Posted on 28 November 2019
Most of us with any kind digital presence are likely to have been subject to attempted cybercrime. An email from someone claiming to be...