We are looking for an enthusiastic and encouraging MD (male or female) with good vocal sensibilities in order to be able to hear and help all four harmony parts. Being able to play a piano as well is a distinct advantage. We are looking for someone who can help us improve but who has humour and sensitivity as it's a mixed ability chorus (although loosely membership is by audition). We are keen to grow our numbers and learn new songs so we will need support in achieving our aims.
The chorus uses the services of the MD but the MD remains self employed. The chorus wants to work co-operatively with the MD but it remains in ultimate charge of direction, song choices and any costume choices. You are of course welcome to visit us and hear us sing and find out more. The first two Wednesdays of September would be the ideal, but not the only time, to do this.
Please contact us at admin@thamesideharmony.org.uk or call 020 8894 3516.