
Active Communities

Local groups and organisations with great ideas to make their communities even better places to live are now invited to apply for funding from ‘Active Communities’ to turn their ideas into reality.

Active Communities is a funding programme for community groups and not-for-profit organisations, with an income of less than £350,000 a year or an average of £350,000 over two years.

Hinrichsen Foundation


The Hinrichsen Foundation was founded in 1976 by Mrs Carla Eddy Hinrichsen to ensure the continuation of the tradition of supporting contemporary music established by the Hinrichsen family as the proprietors of Edition Peters the music publishers, established more than 200 years ago in the German city of Leipzig.

Community Project Funding


MfA really know first-hand what an amazing affect making music can have on people’s lives. They see everything from disadvantaged young people blossoming at school through to older adults discovering music sometimes for the first time, much later on in life. In their view, EVERYONE should have the opportunity to learn to play music. Sadly, many people are not fortunate enough to have access to musical instruments or ways to help them to learn and discover.  This is where MfA come in.

Garfield Weston Foundation


The foundation offers grants to CIOs and charities in areas including the arts, supporting a wide range of charitable activities, aiming to be responsive where the need is greatest.

The common themes of charities and projects offered funding are charities that demonstrate quality and excellence with projects that have clear outcomes and benefits, sound leadership and sensible business plans. Grants are not awarded for one-off events (e.g. festivals).

Bassetlaw - Councillor Community Grants


The Fund aims to provide general grant support to the community that will benefit the socio-economic culture and environment of Bassetlaw. Each District Councillor is allocated a small budget and has the discretion to award grants to community activities that will benefit the community within their respective electoral ward areas.

The activity must be located within the Bassetlaw District or be of significant benefit to people living in Bassetlaw.

The application should demonstrate: