The Hadfield Trust | Making Music

The Hadfield Trust

Application Deadline: 
1 June, 1 October
Distributing Body: 
The Hadfield Trust


The Hadfield Trust gives grants to charitable organisations in Cumbria. Trustees are keen to support community projects that meet the needs of the Cumbrian community and make a real difference to the quality of life of those living in the County. Trustees are particularly interested in projects that address social needs; youth and employment; help for older people; the arts and the environment. It is the intention of the Trustees that awards should benefit as many residents as possible, in particular those who are disadvantaged.

The Trust will fund up to £5,000 but most of their awards are between £1,500-£3,000.

Applicants should ideally be a registered charity, or applying to become one. However, any properly constituted body with charitable objectives can apply though they should check with the Administrator first.

National charities can only apply if they can clearly evidence the work they do in Cumbria; such as where they operate and how many beneficiaries they have in the County. They must also provide an independent referee who lives in the County and can vouch for the charity’s work in Cumbria.