Fidelio Trust Grant | Making Music

Fidelio Trust Grant

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
Fidelio Trust


Fidelio welcomes applications for grants in support of the Arts particularly for Music, including Opera, Lieder, Composition and Dance.

Fidelio aims to provide support for individuals (over the age of 21) or groups of exceptional ability, to enable them for example:

  • To receive special tuition or coaching (e.g. in the case of musicians to attend Master Classes)
  • To participate in external competitions
  • To be supported for a specially arranged performance
  • To receive support for a special publication, musical composition or work of art

Applications need to be supported by Institutions, Colleges, Arts Festivals or other similar arts organisations in the United Kingdom with recognised relevant expertise.

To apply, please follow the link to the charity’s website.