Your membership and insurance

Social prescribing resources for music groups

What is social prescribing and how can your music group benefit from it?

Social prescribing is part of the relatively new NHS personalised care programme and a way for GPs and local agencies to refer people to a link worker, who takes a holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing. They then connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.

Webinar recording: Social prescribing – what is it and is it for your music group?

In this recording of our webinar (original event 20 May 2022), guest speakers discussed what social prescribing is and how it could be a huge opportunity for music groups. 

Social prescribing is a key feature of the NHS’ long-term plan, which aims to strengthen the link between the local community and social activities such as music, sport, and arts. In this webinar, we discussed who does the prescribing, what kind of people are referred and what it would mean for your group to become ‘social prescribing friendly’.

We welcomed:

What do you get for your membership?

There are three types: we influence on your behalf; we offer practical and artistic support; and we connect you to each other and to relevant contacts.

ACS is offering Making Music member discounts on their custom and universal hearing protection products

ACS specialise in hearing protection for musicians and music lovers. They offer a range or attenuating earplugs that reduce damaging frequencies but still allow you to hear the music – ideal for a leisure time musician. 

You can find out more about ACS on their Making Music Corporate Membership blog and on their website

Custom Fit Hearing Protection 

Partnership with Sing Ireland

Making Music is delighted to announce an exciting new partnership with Sing Ireland, an association which supports communities of singers across Ireland. With the shared values of developing and supporting all forms of group singing, we hope that this is the first step to bringing our musical communities closer together.

Making Music discounts: Overview

We know that many of our member groups operate on a tight budget. Working with our corporate members, we’ve collected more than two dozen discounts, subsidies and offers to help our members save on everything from sheet music to booking artists and making recordings. 

Making Music Platform - help guides

Read our step-by-step help guides, for setting up and using your MM Platform

Making Music member badges and logos

Wear the Making Music badge with pride!

Download our logo or our membership badges for use on your promotional materials, to help you show that you’re part of Making Music’s network supporting and championing leisure-time music. You can also download adverts and images for your programmes, social media channels and newsletters to help spread the word about amateur music making.

Membership badges

Show you're proud to be part of Making Music by using our membership badges on your programmes, leaflets and elsewhere.

Making Music annual reports

Find out more about Making Music's journey

Annual report 2018

To download a PDF copy, click the annual report image below and select 'download PDF' in the bottom right-hand corner.


2017 Membership Survey: the results

Our 2017 membership survey aimed to find out what members think about Making Music as an organisation, what they think and value about their membership with us and what they think about the specific services, resources and support we offer. It was completed by individuals representing 20% of our members groups – a big thank you to all of them.