music libraries | Making Music

music libraries

New Surrey Performing Arts Library (NewSPAL) now open

NewSPAL, the charity taking on Surrey County Council’s performing arts collection, is now open for business.

The role of the librarian

The role of the librarian is important for the smooth running of your group and doing it well can make a big difference.  You need systems to keep track of all the music whilst being flexible enough to cope with unexpected schedule changes, and the more disorganised members of your group who may forget or lose their music.  

The main responsibilities and challenges are: 

How and where to source music

Sourcing music is vital to the efficient running of a music group. It normally falls to the librarian to do this and can involving obtaining music from a variety of sources.

In this resource, we’ll look at how and where you can find the music you need, and the things you need to think about when dealing with publishers and music libraries. 

Guest blog: new research into music libraries

Many Making Music members recently took part in a nationwide survey of music library service users, carried out by Dr Michael Bon

NewSPAL on track to run music collection for all

In February 2019, Surrey County Council Cabinet finally agreed that the charity, NewSPAL (New Surrey Performing Arts Library), wo

Success for campaigners as Bristol music collection stays in the city

Bristol’s collection of over 1,200 music sets and scores will stay in the city after an agreement was reached between Bristol Mus

Surrey Performing Arts Library consultation deadline extended

Surrey Performing Arts Library (SPAL), currently based on the Denbigh Estate in Dorking, is one of the two largest collections of music sets in pub

Call to respond to the Surrey Performing Arts Library Consultation

Surrey County Council are consulting on the future of the very large and locally as well as nationally significant Surrey Perform