access and inclusion | Making Music

access and inclusion

Defining your music group: how to articulate your purpose to create cohesion and promote inclusion

Across the country, there are thousands of leisure-time music groups that exist for distinct reasons and appeal to different people. This is a great thing, but it means that you need to able to clearly describe who your group is and what it does so that people know what to expect when they interact with you. This resource will cover how and why to produce a ‘definition statement’ for your music group. 

INCLUDE: Encouraging diversity in music-making

Sue Benson, Managing Trustee of the Great Bowden Recital Trust, gives us an update on their group's involvement with Making Music

INCLUDE: Bringing music groups together

Marian Pearson, Chair of Scunthorpe and North Lincolnshire Concert Society (SNLCS), tells us how her group acted as a catalyst fo

UK music participation: what the data tells us

Our Deputy CEO, Alison Reeves, explores how data from government participation surveys can strengthen music groups and the sector

Webinar recording: Welcoming and including new people in your band

In this webinar recording, Making Music explores the steps music groups need to take to welcome and include new people in their bands, and the benefits of fostering a more inclusive environment.

CEO Barbara Eifler discusses the principles of access and inclusion, identifying barriers to people participating in your band and how you can take steps to removing those barriers. Our Inclusion Focus Programme Manager Elizabeth Palmer then talks about the insights and lessons learned from the INCLUDE programme, now one year into the project.

Addressing barriers with your group’s performance wear

What your music group chooses to wear on stage is part of how you present yourself to the world - but care must be taken not to have it become a barrier that might lead to exclusion.

A group's performance wear - their 'uniform' - is the first thing an audience will see, which is why many groups choose to specify what their members wear while performing. This can be a good thing; uniform can bring a sense of belonging to people and help them feel part of a team. If you’re trying to present a unified sound, it can also be effective if you look uniform too.

INCLUDE: Diversity and classical music in North Lincolnshire

Marian Pearson, Chair of Scunthorpe and North Lincolnshire Concert Society (SNLCS), tells us how they’re revitalising classical m

INCLUDE: Enriching community through diversity

Mike Cocke, Secretary of the Luton Choral Society writes about how they are embracing diversity to grow their membership.

INCLUDE: The Great Bowden Recital Trust's inclusive journey

Sue Benson, Managing Trustee of the Great Bowden Recital Trust, tells us about their participation in our INCLUDE programme and t