template | Making Music


Financial policy template

This resource is designed to help you produce a finance policy for your music group. It focuses specifically on charities. If your music group is not a charity, many of the principles will still be useful but the specifics around the Charity Commission / OSCR and HMRC will not be relevant.

The template contains suggested headings for a financial policy. The notes in each section explain what sort of thing to cover in that section, along with some example wording. The wording will not be right for all groups, so you should adapt it to suit you needs.

Template agreement for hiring out a musical instrument

This is a template agreement for the hire of a musical Instrument for use by Making Music members. It is designed to be a starting point for your agreement and can be adapted to suit your group’s circumstances. As with any agreement, it may be appropriate for the parties to the agreement to negotiate amendments and modifications to suit their own particular circumstances. If the parties are in any doubt about the suitability of the agreement for their particular circumstances, they should seek their own legal advice.

Health and safety policy template

This is a template Health and Safety Policy for use by Making Music members. It is based on the template provided by the Health and Safety Executive and is designed to be a starting point for your policy:

OTR 3.2 - Template: Accrual accounting spreadsheet (including guidance notes)

This resource is part of our OTR Part 3 guidance: Keeping records, producing accounts and making a claim.

It includes two downloadable documents:

  • OTR 3.2 Template: Accrual accounts (Excel spreadsheet)
  • OTR 3.2(a) Guidance: Notes on using the accrual accounts template (PDF)

The Template is currently being reviewed and will be availbale agian soon.  

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