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Find early music concerts in your area

Corporate member Continuo Connect puts historical performances at your fingertips. 

Protect your charity from scams

Charitable organisations are being targeted by scammers. Making Music provides guidance on how you can take protective measures.<

Recording video at home

A step-by-step guide to help you video a performance using everyday equipment

1. Consider what to capture

You could be videoing complete with audio or perhaps you want to focus on just the visuals of a performance to contribute to a larger project. Consider the following for your own project:

Video with audio

Basic techniques in improvisation: Session 4 - Modes

In October 2016, we ran the Festival of Making Music - a weekend of music-making workshops in Scotland aimed at exploring shared concepts of rhythm, melody and harmony using simple tunes as a basis for improvisation.

Following the success of the workshops (conducted by award-winning educator Professor Richard Michaels BEM), we have created a video series to allow everyone to benefit from his top tips on improvisation.

This session demonstrates how to make use of different modes, like the Dorian, Ionian and Myxolydian.