sonobus | Making Music


Online rehearsal platforms: Jamulus

Online platforms are websites or software that allow musicians to meet up in a virtual music room to play together using their internet connection. Jamulus uses specialist techniques to minimise 'latency' which is the delay heard on online video conference platforms (Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc).

Download the platform

Versions for Mac, Windows and Linux can be found on the official website:
Prepare your device:
For best results, before launching the software:

Online rehearsal platforms: JamKazam

Online platforms are websites or software that allow musicians to meet up in a virtual music room to play together using their internet connection. Jamkazam uses specialist techniques to minimise 'latency' which is the delay heard on online video conference platforms (Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc).

Online rehearsal platforms: SonoBus

Online platforms are websites or software that allow musicians to meet up in a virtual music room to play together using their internet connection. SonoBus uses specialist techniques to minimise 'latency' which is the delay heard on online video conference platforms (Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc).

Download SonoBus

Versions for Mac, Windows and Linux can be found on the official website: alongside information about the Apple and Android apps which are currently available as test platforms.

Introduction to online rehearsal platforms

An introduction to online platforms for virtual music rehearsals, including SonoBus, JamKazam and Jamulus

What is a rehearsal platform?

These are websites or software that allow musicians to meet up in a virtual music room to play together using their internet connection. All of the platforms listed in this resource use specialist techniques to minimise 'latency' which is the delay heard on online video conference platforms (Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc), making it impossible to keep in time when playing music.