scores | Making Music


Sample scores for the Festival of Contemporary Music for All

The Festival of Contemporary Music for All (CoMA) has kindly provided a selection of sample scores for newly commissioned instrumental and vocal pieces. Take a look and get in touch for the full parts (free of charge for members) if you would like to perform a piece at an event during the Festival weekend (4-6 March 2022).

Making Music award winners: scores for rehearsal and performance

Making Music is proud to champion and celebrate leisure-time music groups and all those who work with them. We present annual awards for best music creator and best music arranger, who are nominated by Making Music member groups they have worked with. Some of the music creators and arrangers have agreed to share their work for performance with other leisure-time music groups.

Music Bank

Search from tens of thousands of pieces for repertoire, programme notes and sheet music to borrow from other member groups.