professional musicians | Making Music

professional musicians

Could your expertise help musicians?

Professional musicians deal with tough physical, emotional and psychological challenges.

Subsidies for groups booking selected Early Music ensembles

Brighton Early Music Festival (BREMF) run Early Music Live - a nine month training scheme and performance platform programme for exceptional

Results of our Paying Professional Musicians survey

Our latest research reveals the varied nature of roles and engagements by amateur music groups of professional musicians.

What fees do groups pay for professional musicians? Survey summary tables

This page summarises some of the results from our survey in January 2016, and then gives full findings on each type of musician, including average, lowest and highest fees, and ranges.

Book an emerging early music ensemble with a subsidy!

Making Music presents an exciting opportunity with Brighton Early Music Festival for our members to programme an early music ensemble and receive a substantial subsidy towards their fees

Selected Artists - 2013

The 2013 edition of Selected artists. Created by the Making Music CPG committee, and containing a selection of outstanding musicians available at specially negotiated fees to all Making Music members.