Neil Tòmas Smith | Making Music

Neil Tòmas Smith

Revealing the Hoard

It has been over a year since I first met the Thame Chamber Choir to discuss a new work as part of the Adopt a Composer scheme.

Rehearsing The Hoard

It always surprises me how quickly a piece can become external to its composer.  What had before been an ongoing process, an open

Flying Kites in Thame

It is a curious feature of Thame that if one looks upwards, there is often a surprising abundance of birds of prey meandering across the sky.

The Research of Others

It’s always positive when research for a piece leads down some rather unexpected roads.

A First Trip to Thame

I hope it is not too patronising to call Thame a quintessentially English market town.  Some of it is, after all, quite literally out of scenes fro