musical instruments | Making Music

musical instruments

Template agreement for hiring out a musical instrument

This is a template agreement for the hire of a musical Instrument for use by Making Music members. It is designed to be a starting point for your agreement and can be adapted to suit your group’s circumstances. As with any agreement, it may be appropriate for the parties to the agreement to negotiate amendments and modifications to suit their own particular circumstances. If the parties are in any doubt about the suitability of the agreement for their particular circumstances, they should seek their own legal advice.

Take it away instrument purchase scheme now available to all ages

Since its inception 10 years ago, Creative United's 'Take it away' scheme has helped over 80,000 children and young people in Eng

Take it away scheme: interest-free finance when buying a musical instrument

Lanched in 2007, the 'Take it away' scheme works with music retailers to provide interest-free finance for the purchase of musical instruments and equipment, helping to ensure that more people can access instruments and learn to play. As of August 2017, the scheme has been expanded to cover all age groups and to include digital musical equipment and musical accessories like cases.