health and safety | Making Music

health and safety

How to approach health and safety

Health and Safety is one of those terms that can bring dread and derision in equal measure. With some of the stories you hear it’s easy to see why it has a bad reputation. In practical terms though, all it really means is spending a little bit of time thinking about what risks exist in a particular situation and what can be done to minimise them.

Health and safety policy template

This is a template Health and Safety Policy for use by Making Music members. It is based on the template provided by the Health and Safety Executive and is designed to be a starting point for your policy:

6 tips for protecting your hearing – an aid for musicians and groups

Losing your hearing can be particularly distressing for musicians. From Beethoven to, classical musicians to pop stars young and old, many people are affected by damage to their hearing, some of which can be caused by musical activities. For example, while ‘safe’ hearing levels are around 60 decibels (about conversation level) an average symphony orchestra might perform at around 120 decibels. Being exposed to more than 89 decibels for more than 5 hours a week will induce hearing damage over time; protection against damage and prevention is vital.