Edgar Divver | Making Music

Edgar Divver

Adopt a Music Creator blog: A real collaboration

Edgar Divver reflects on his work with the Bedfordshire Woodwind Academy Flute Ensemble for

Adopt a Music Creator blog: Brushstrokes

Edgar Divver looks back at his collaboration with the Bedfordshire Woodwind Academy Flute Ensemble (BWAFE) for

Adopt a Music Creator blog: Bursts of notes

Rebecca Demott of the Bedfordshire Woodwind Academy Flute Ensemble (BWAFE) describes their group's latest workshop with Edgar Div

Adopt a Music Creator blog: A whirlwind month of inspiration

Edgar Divver recounts his first month working with Bedfordshire Woodwind Academy Flute Ensemble (BWAFE) as part of their Adopt a

Adopt a Music Creator blog: Sounding colours

Rebecca Demott of the Bedfordshire Woodwind Academy Flute Ensemble (BWAFE) relates her group's first workshop with music creator