DCMS | Making Music


UK music participation: what the data tells us

Our Deputy CEO, Alison Reeves, explores how data from government participation surveys can strengthen music groups and the sector

Nominate for the 2024 New Year Honours List

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) invites the public to recognise and celebrate the accomplishments of

Coronavirus guidance update

Good news ahead of the festive season for leisure-time music groups in England this week: rehearsals and performances are allowed

And still we play (and sing)

Following changes to the rules governing social interaction in all the nations of the UK, confusion arose as to their application

Carry on singing and playing

Today, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) confirmed that: 

New coronavirus rules?

Following the announcement by the UK government last week, Making Music were told originally by the Department for Culture, Media