BAPAM | Making Music


Could your expertise help musicians?

Professional musicians deal with tough physical, emotional and psychological challenges.

Dealing with performance anxiety - from BAPAM

Performance anxiety or ‘stage fright’ is a feeling of fear accompanied by increased bodily arousal which can affect a performer when they are practising on their own, rehearsing with others, before and/or during a performance – in fact any time.This resource from The British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM) offers some useful advice on recognising and managing performance anxiety.

Fit to play: exercises for instrumentalists - from BAPAM

All skilled physical activity, including music, should be preceded by a warm-up. This resource from The British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM) offers some useful exercises to help instrumentalists prepapre physically.

Fit to Sing: vocal exercises - from BAPAM

All skilled physical activity, including music, should be preceded by a warm-up. This resource from The British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM) offers some useful vocal exercises to help you prepare physically.

Warm-up exercises for musicians - from BAPAM

All skilled physical activity, including music, should be preceded by a warm-up. This resource from The British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM) offers some useful exercises to help you prepare physically each time you play.