
Displaying 289 - 300 of 404 results
Guidance, Templates, Open resource, Overview
Policies aren’t necessarily the most exciting thing to think about when you’re running a music group. But they are...
At the risk of making you click away from this page in horror, we do need to start by citing that old cliché about a picture being...
We have developed a template Safeguarding policy for use by our member groups, consisting of the policy itself and some guidance notes...
This is a template Conflict of Interest Policy for use by Making Music members. It includes a Conflict of Interest declaration form...
Potential conflicts of interests or loyalty are something that any organisation should be aware of and take steps to manage. If your...
Case studies, Open resource
Members of Aldworth Philharmonic Orchestra (APO) explain how a group created to cater for people unable to commit to weekly rehearsals...
In this guidance, reprinted from the Spring 2017 issue of Highnotes, Jen Farrant looks at how you can make sure your group is open to...
Many of our member groups are ‘mixed ability’, which means that people of any standard can join in – from complete...
Open resource
After looking at Barbershop, Wind Bands and Brass Bands, we are now focusing on Samba. What makes this music from Brazil so exciting...
Guidance, Open resource
This guidance explores how to go about starting a new group. It is a collection of ideas and tips structured in a way that we hope...
Guidance, Open resource
If you’re thinking of starting a new leisure-time choir, band, orchestra, or music group of any genre, our tips and guidance...
Guidance, Open resource
This guidance explores how to go about starting a new group. It is a collection of ideas and tips structured in a way that we hope...