
Displaying 157 - 168 of 404 results
Corporate Member
Music Tutors Online connects students wanting music lessons with tutors from around the world.
Case studies
Jonathan Gillams, chairman of promoter group Radlett Music Club, tells us about their experience hosting an interactive Zoom concert....
Guidance, Video/audio
It's one of the most well-known pieces of editing software, but how exactly do you use Shotcut? In this easy-to-follow video guide...
Corporate Member
Specialising in the organisation of tours, concerts, festivals and exchanges across Europe for international youth music groups 
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many music groups developed ways of delivering rehearsals online. As groups returned to in person...
Case studies
Jill Elsworthy discusses how promoter group Horsham Music Circle broke with tradition to make its yearly concert ...
Making Music have created a project plan to provide a bite-sized approach to building and designing your Platform. As each group is...
Guidance, Video/audio, Training
With socially-distanced rehearsals and performances set to continue for some time, livestreaming is an alternative option that can...
Guidance, Video/audio, Training
Many leisure-time music groups have thought about creating a virtual performance for their members to take part in, but are unsure...
Guidance, Video/audio, Training
Many leisure-time music groups have thought about creating a virtual performance for their members to take part in, but are unsure...
IntroductionValue Added Tax (VAT) is charged on most goods or services by a ‘taxable person.’ This includes a sole trader...
Corporate Member, Discounts and subsidies
Making Music Corporate Member Hugh Elder Mediation is offering Making Music member groups five hours of free mediation...