
Displaying 241 - 252 of 410 results
Your local community is your biggest and best source of new contacts, whether that’s members, audience, sponsors or funders,...
Discounts and subsidies, Training
We have teamed up with the Child Protection Company to develop an online safeguarding course designed specifically for leisure-time...
The role of your group’s committee or management team (or whatever term you use to describe the group of people who volunteer...
We have all experienced the positive impact of music – either as a music makers or music listeners. However, measuring that...
Guidance, Open resource, Overview
Data protection is about organisations collecting and using data in a fair, responsible and transparent way. It puts the emphasis...
Our Charity Registration Service, available to member groups, is designed to make the process of registering as a charity as simple as...
Our 2017 membership survey aimed to find out what members think about Making Music as an organisation, what they think and value about...
Guidance, Open resource, Overview
Performing Rights are the right to give a live performance of a piece of music which is in copyright. For each performance a fee will...
Tools, Open resource
We've put together some guides on how to maximise the use of your Making Music account, including how to manage your group via...
Guidance, Open resource, Overview
Many music groups tell us they find it challenging to attract younger members. With the help of a generous legacy from lifelong choral...
Guidance, Overview
Discovering new music, deciding what to perform and actually sourcing the sheet music can be both the most fun and frustrating parts...
Open resource
After looking at pipe and tabor, signing choirs, samba, handbell ringing, barbershop and wind bands, the latest in our 'An...