
Displaying 277 - 288 of 412 results
Guidance, Open resource
Care homes are not often seen as places for performing music, and you’d be forgiven if you hadn’t considered doing so...
Guidance, Open resource
Lots of our member groups perform in care homes across the country, taking their music to people who might not otherwise have a chance...
We have developed two new template governing documents for music groups. They are both for non-charitable unincorporated associations:...
When you are starting a music group thinking about the formal structure is not necessarily top of the list. With finding venues,...
When you are starting a music group thinking about the formal structure is not necessarily top of the list. But as groups grow and...
'Formal' concerts are often the central driver of groups' seasons and activities, but in some cases they can be a...
Collaborations between music groups can be hugely beneficial and a lot of fun for everyone involved. They are exciting projects with...
Case studies
Sharon Moloney of member group Opal Flutes explains how teaming up with another group gave them an opportunity to experience...
Guidance, Open resource
Research by Age UK has confirmed what many of us have long suspected: that cultural engagement is the biggest contributing factor to...
Corporate Member, Discounts and subsidies, Open resource
Lanched in 2007, the 'Take it away' scheme works with music retailers to provide interest-free finance for the purchase of...
A Facebook Page is a great way to attract new audiences and potential members to your music group.  At the time of writing, there...
Open resource
After looking at Barbershop, Wind Bands, Samba and Brass Bands, we are now focusing on Handbell ringing. How are they played? Why do...