Webinar recording: The health benefits of taking part in the arts - follow the science | Making Music

Webinar recording: The health benefits of taking part in the arts - follow the science

In this recording of our webinar, our expert guest speaker presented the health benefits of taking part in the arts.

Not everybody understands the importance of participating in music in the same way you and your music group do, which can make it difficult when you need to make your case to funding authorities and local policymakers. In this event, Dr Karen Mak of the Social Biobehavioural Research Group and the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Arts & Health, based at University College London (UCL), presented highlights from their latest research report, 'Arts and Health across the lifespan: findings from major US & UK cohort studies 2017-2022'. Read the full report here

The views represented by the speakers in this webinar are their own, and do not represent the views of Making Music.

Useful links:

If you have any questions about this event topic, please contact info@makingmusic.org.uk

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