Template contract for working with professional musicians | Making Music

Template contract for working with professional musicians

We have created a template contract for engaging freelance performers in a one-off performance or series of performances.

We have created it with lawyers, and it is intended to be a starting point only. It should not be considered a finalised legal document or as constituting legal advice. Neither Making Music nor its legal advisors shall be liable for any decisions made or action taken in reliance on this document, or for any damage arising from its use. The contract is suitable for use in all countries of the United Kingdom. 

Using the template contract

  • Part A (the particulars) is where you can enter the specific details of your agreement with the performer (parties, event details, fees etc).
  • Part B (terms and conditions) has the terms and conditions that apply to your agreement.

As with any contract, it may be appropriate for the parties to negotiate amendments and modifications to suit their own particular circumstances. It is the responsibility of your group to seek legal advice where necessary and to review the document before it is signed off.

We have provided two versions:

  • One with drafting notes to help explain some of the clauses and how to use the document.
  • A clean version without drafting notes to use as a template for creating your contract.

The contract is not suitable for:

  • Engaging a Music Director on an ongoing basis (e.g for rehearsals). We have a separate template contract you can use for this.
  • Situations where the performer is creating new work for your group. 

Download the template contract

Template contract with drafting notes (Word doc.)

Template contract – clean version  (Word doc.)

We hope you find this Making Music resource useful. If you have any comments or suggestions about the guidance please contact us. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the content of this guidance is accurate and up to date, Making Music do not warrant, nor accept any liability or responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the content, or for any loss which may arise from reliance on the information contained in it.