Discount on sheet music from Hal Leonard Europe

Hal Leonard Europe, a proud Premium Corporate Member of Making Music, are offering a range of initiatives to support people with their music making during these challenging times via their online store

Making Music member discount

Hal Leonard Europe is offering Making Music members a number of discounts:

  • 15% off SAM-Klang editions
  • 15% of other sheet music, tuition and exam material

Members can claim discounts when purchasing through using the code: b888ea64

The series offers basic and advanced choral repertoire arranged for soprano, alto and men/one low voice part. In addition to new repertoire and arrangements, you will also find essential parts of the classical German, Scandinavian, French and English SATB repertoire, carefully and considerately reworked for soprano, alto and one low voice. You can read an article about the series in the latest edition of Highnotes.

Extended offer for music educators

Those involved in music education including ensemble leaders, librarians and treasurers can now receive an increased 15% educators discount on sheet music, tuition and exam material, as well as free shipping on all orders. Sign up here.

Learn To Play

Visit the website for everything you may need to learn or teach how to play an instrument, with special deals on instruments, accessories and sheet music.


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