A good press release should be able to condense all the important information into one page of A4 in size 11 font. We've put together this template to help you get started alongside our top tips guidance.
Charities simply need to make a 'declaration' of who the donor is, how much they are giving you, and that they want tax to be reclaimed. Declarations can be in writing, or given verbally or electronically, and charities may devise their own forms.
Groups collaborating on joint projects and events can be a lot fun and hugely beneficial for everyone involved. There are things to be aware of that are different to planning normal events and we have produced some guidance that looks at planning a joint event to help with this. One area this covers is having a simple agreement document between the groups.
This template is designed to help you plan a project and successfully bid for funding, leading you through the planning stage step by step, enabling you to bridge the gap between inspiration and delivery.